Saturday 21 September 2013


If you have ever worked in a tobacconist's kiosk, you will know just what I mean. You have a delivery of cigarettes in a nice big THICK plastic bag, and someone has nicked the scissors. So you take the nearest biro and stab at it manically (missing the fags of course) until you have a nice neat line of holes that constitute a tearable access into the bag. Whoopee!

Then the packets of cigarettes themselves. Some manufacturers are swines.  They do not
provide a little golden tearable strip that you can grab to tear the packet open with.  Oh No.
Out comes the biro again, only this time, your aim has to be more accurate, or you end up drawing inky doodles on the fag packets.

If this hasn't already driven you to a nervous breakdown, then just wait till you start loading
the darn packets into the spring loaded display. Boing! They start flying out all over the floor!! Also, you really want to be good and rotate the stock, but half the time, THERE ISN'T TIME! So feeling guilty, you shove in the packets, pushing the oldest packets to the back. Who the heck designed it like that ? ? ? 

You just hope it is not your shift when someone buys the five month old cigars.

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